Oh my gosh! It took me forever to compose this!
I started to think of topics at 7am. I wanted this post to be profound and interesting. I wanted it to be informative and funny at the same time. I wanted it to be perfect. Ang OA!!!
Until it just dawned on me that LIFE IS SIMPLE. I shouldn’t make things complicated. I really just wanted to announce and invite everyone to the #CleanseYourLife session and here I am stressing about it. So I was like, I’m going to cleanse on that and make it super simple.

Here it goes:
If you haven’t registered yet, we still have a few slots available for the #CleanseYourLife session!
When: December 28 (Saturday)
Time slots: 9-11am (full), 1-3pm (7 slots left), and 4-6pm (12 slots left)
Where: Romulo Peace Center, Century Plaza, Perea St. Legaspi Village Makati
Energy Exchange: Php2,200 (energy exchange fee is non-refundable but transferable for the same session)
Remember to bring your own water bottle and yoga mat!

Oh, and I guess it may be quite unclear to some of you what could happen during that session, it is mainly composed of 3 healing modalities.
There will be Reiki Healing, Ho’oponopono, and a very relaxing sound bath! Most of the time, Miqo and I are also surprised with what happens during the sessions since they are mostly Divinely Guided and intuitive. Surprise!!! (I mean, of course there will be essential oils, crystals, smudging, oracle cards, and all that jazz!)
You might also ask WHO would need this kind of session. I would actually answer by saying EVERYONE. But in case that sounds pretty broad, let me be more specific: if you are alive, if you are breathing, if you are grateful, if you are a dreamer, if you have faith, if you are inspired, if you are lost, if you are worried, if you are positive, if you are negative, if you are happy, if you are sad, if you are in between, if you are shining, if you are thriving, if you feel this is for you – DO IT!
Click here to register now!