“The year 2019 was a challenge for me. It started with a realization that even though I have accomplished everything that I set out to achieve in my career, it did not make me feel fulfilled. The loss I felt for the things I sacrificed became more prominent and my creativity suffered because of this. The feeling in my gut— a yearning for something more, something better – just won’t go away. I decided to make a change but did not know where to start. Browsing through Instagram, I came upon Kimi’s account and the #ConfidenceBoostProgram.
I started out just wanting a push in the right direction and some clarity from the fog I was in, but it ended up being more than that and it was what I really needed. I learned to appreciate the small things. I learned to identify the truly important things in life. I learned to value myself and value others. Best of all, I learned that I am enough, that everything I’ve been through will help me achieve my new goal – and my new goals are so much more holistic and less superficial.
After every session, I felt lighter and more confident. People I meet would tell me I look good, and I know it is beyond physical. I did not realize the stress I was feeling was so obvious before.
For 2020, I will hit the ground running and will only look back at my life with more appreciation and move forward with more positivity! Thank you so much, Kimi!”
The fascinating thing about the program is that it truly inspires confidence so you can be the best version of yourself. It opens your mind up to the endless possibilities that are within your reach and gives you the conviction that everything is within your reach and that you can do it all if you set your mind to it. You cannot know everything so sometimes guidance from someone like Kimi is what you need to become someone you never thought you could be.
Her #ConfidenceBoostProgram does that. She brings the sense of calmness and confidence in every meeting. Her advice is always spot on, doable and achievable. I feel even more grateful everyday after a month with Kimi. I value myself more and have become more aware and accepting of my strengths and weaknesses.
Thank you being a huge part of my 2019 journey. I know I still have a ways to go in exuding confidence 24/7 and figuring out my passion but I can say that the program helped me a lot in controlling my thoughts and emotions towards positivity. That is a big change for me and you helped me do that! Recently, an officemate commented that I am always so positive and that caught me by surprise. I am more positive now! Although I still fall into negativity sometimes, I keep the techniques you taught me to help me re-shape and re-focus my thoughts. For 2020, my goal is to be more open and positive and confident. Sending you love and light, Kimi! Keep doing what you do!
The #ConfidenceBoostProgram helped me unleash my hidden potential. I recommend the program to everyone since it is not just about confidence boost. It holistically guided me to have a positive mantra everyday, which generally made me a calmer person. I can confidently say that I have transformed into Rissa 2.0!
I’ve always believed that confidence swings like a pendulum – it’s something you have for a time until you lose it again by way of circumstances out of your control and by the careless words of people. As someone with impostor syndrome, I’ve never really felt confident in my work and in who I am as a person – I’ve always felt like an outsider, sometimes an invisible ‘rebel’, most times a weirdo with zero social skills (introvert + empath + INFJ = awkward). I was ‘today’ years old when I realized you can cultivate confidence by setting the intention of being confident as opposed to just faking it. I’ve been on @kimilulifecoach’s #ConfidenceBoostProgram for the last 3 weeks and the things I have learned has helped me change my life. When I show up for myself to do the internal work, I can rest and celebrate all the things that make me who I am – and that can never be taken away.
My first workshop with her and the London meetup was both life-enriching. If you ever need to recharge or find yourself at a crossroads, I urge you to check out any of the events she has lined up or message her for a one-on-one session. If there is something that we can have a lot of, it is positivity.
I am still faced with day to day challenges. Well, everyone is. But now i am more accepting, more grateful, and enjoying every bit of thing-good or bad-that comes my way.
“Kimi, I’m so happy that I reached out to you early on, at a time that the new trauma in my life had not gotten to me yet. You gave me the resources that I needed to remember that I GOT THIS! Even as the trauma continues, my despair stopped because you taught me how to handle myself. You never told me what to do about the situation. But you helped me have the calm and the confidence to thrive, despite all of it.
All the exercises have been incredibly helpful from ho’oponopono, to the list of things that I’m grateful for, to the breathing exercises. But the most brilliant moment was when I let go of what was holding me back from being 100%. The combination of the meditation and burning ritual was just liberating.
I’m absolutely confident that I can remain happy, grateful, content and connected to the people that I love, the people that I work and live with even if a big part of my life will never be the same. Thank you. You have helped me more than you’ll ever know. And I hope that you will continue to!”
I am grateful for this program because it has enabled me to reach my goals. Through Kimi’s practical and doable exercises, you will realize that you can become a better person. I was able to challenge myself – to stretch and stand up for myself by expressing my thoughts. Doing the exercises gave me ‘aha!’ moments that everything I need to become better is already in my life – I just need to make use of them. I was able to appreciate myself more through this program. It is indeed a life-changing experience!
The #ConfidenceBoostProgram exceeded my expectations. I feel that it slowly tore down the walls of different limiting beliefs that I didn’t know that I had. I feel like shackles we’re broken, and I am free to live my best life.
As someone who leads two businesses, multiple ministries, writes books, gives talks while doing my best to prioritize my marriage and family, I felt that my life was spinning around, and I didn’t know what was happening most of the time. Through Kimi’s help, I found the right footing, I was able to tap the right source of abundance, and I felt closer to God through the activities. If you have a busy life and you want further breakthrough success, you need this program.
So effortlessly I’ve come to fully believe in the secret to self-actualization: respecting the divinity within yourself. We’re all just extensions of Something utterly vast and utterly Divine and even according to science, in the universe we are part of an anomaly that is the human race. What you are was always meant to be and really, where would you be if it wasn’t for Who put you here? These ideas seem rather simple and I may have known them a while but it was the subtly magical Kimi Lu and her Confidence Boost Program that set them all to stone. I really hope there’s no turning back from here. Thank you, Kimi.
When I signed up, I didn’t expect much from Kimi’s #ConfidenceBoostProgram. All I know is that I needed a boost of confidence 🙂 because my self-esteem was shot due to all I’ve been through these past months. Little did I know that I would gain more than just confidence in so short a time doing these one-on-ones with Kimi. I got to see myself in a different light, I got to remember myself again (because I’ve forgotten that I am Spirit having a human experience), I got to believing in myself again (yay!), but most importantly, I got reconnected to the Divine. I realized, through the process, that there’s still so much spirituality out there that I need to learn and re-learn again. I’m so glad I listened to the guidance and went to Kimi. Thank you! 😘
In a room full of negative people, I am thankful there’s Kimi and maybe she can also be the one that you’re looking for?
She worked with me in bringing out the celebration of my current self and life coach training. It was because of her that I am reminded of anything and everything is positively possible. It is because of her, that when things go in different directions–she whispers in my head “You are exactly where you need to be”
I’m sure there a lot of people out there that had their lives changed because of Kimi, and I want to say that she brought me back to mine.
Kimi has a lot to give and I encourage anyone/YOU to benefit from her coaching. Thank you so much, Kimi.
Joining the gratefulprotons29 challenge has helped me realize to be grateful for everything in my life. Indeed, a grateful life is a happy life. Thank you for helping me in becoming a happier person