5 gifts you deserve to give to yourself

5 gifts you deserve to give to yourself

Have you ever given yourself a gift even if there was no special occasion? It’s nice to give yourself something from time to time – it feels good to be able to buy something you like! But have you ever thought of giving yourself something more –...
Life is simple!

Life is simple!

Oh my gosh! It took me forever to compose this!  I started to think of topics at 7am. I wanted this post to be profound and interesting. I wanted it to be informative and funny at the same time. I wanted it to be perfect. Ang OA!!!  Until it just dawned on...
Fill your heart with gratitude! 

Fill your heart with gratitude! 

Dearest #Protons,  I would like to introduce to you the artist of this piece, @claireganzonart. I met her back in 2008 when she was in college and I facilitated their multi-media org team building. I wasn’t a certified life coach yet back then but it...
I’m sexy and I know it! 

I’m sexy and I know it! 

Dearest Loving & Accepting #Protons,  There are a lot of plus sized women out there who need awareness and inspiration. As an @SMWoman brand ambassador and as a life coach, I feel I must do a good job representing them well.  Sometimes you just need...
It’s ok not to be ok. Really?!?

It’s ok not to be ok. Really?!?

Dearest #Protons, It’s Wednesday today! I found this post online and thought it would be nice to share with all of you.  I totally resonate with this. It’s very real. When coaching lives, the most comforting feeling for the client would be knowing...