Pandora Spring 2015 362


Back to Nothing
To connect to the source is to return to it, a deeper take on chakra meditation with the help of reiki healer Kimi Lu 

AA Patawaran
Manila Bulletin Lifestyle Editor
April 12, 2015 


Pandora Spring 2015 055


Close your eyes.

The instruction is at once to connect to and disconnect from this world, as defined by and limited only by the senses.

Before we begin the journey, Kimi Lu, a reiki therapist many call “Kimilu,” asks me a question that, I realize later, is meant to detect any obstructions there may be on my path in this 10-minute journey.

“I’m wide open,” I say. I used to meditate religiously. From one of those meditations, not all of which were successful, I re-emerged with a newfound belief that hell did not exist, that this life was not so simple that it would end only in either heaven or hell.
Open up.

Since then, I’ve been at peace, I tell Kimilu. It’s not like I’ve found the answers to my questions, but I find no more need to ask many questions. I no longer ask, for instance, why good people would die painful deaths or suffer so much that in life they would beseech God to “let this chalice pass.”

I’m not sure why I am this open to Kimilu, whom I have just met. Maybe it’s the music, subtle and soothing, or the silence of a suite at The Henry, an old residential building turned into a boutique hotel in a compound of old houses, galleries, and ateliers in Pasay City. “I’m still Catholic,” I continue. “But I believe there is some truth in every great religion—Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam.” And I do. There are moments I don’t, but in periods of great clarity, when no self-indulgent feelings of fear and doubt cloud my faith, I believe in coincidence and randomness. I believe in destiny and free will. I believe in magic and the wisdom of the ages.

Lie on your back.

In the presence of a complete stranger, it’s a matter of trust. On earth, gravity notwithstanding, we are meant to stand upright, so to lie on our backs is to surrender ourselves to the forces of the universe. We let our guards down, all our instincts, fight or flight or fright. We trust.

So there, in a position of trust, I let Kimilu take me on a journey, but not before she reacquaints me with the sound of her voice, the invisible rope with which, no matter how deep I go, I can pull myself back.


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Pandora Spring 2015 062