Let's get Blisstified

KIMILU coaches through Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy,
and Reiki Healing. She is passionate about Celebrating Life!



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5 gifts you deserve to give to yourself

5 gifts you deserve to give to yourself

Have you ever given yourself a gift even if there was no special occasion? It's nice to give yourself something from time to time - it feels good to be able to buy something you like! But have you ever thought of giving yourself something more - something more...

10 questions to ask yourself for a more intentional life

10 questions to ask yourself for a more intentional life

Before taking any action, it's essential to reflect first on your intention. I do this with even the seemingly small things such as drinking water and lighting a candle! Once you zero in on an intention, all your decisions will be made in alignment with it and you...

Life is simple!

Life is simple!

Oh my gosh! It took me forever to compose this!  I started to think of topics at 7am. I wanted this post to be profound and interesting. I wanted it to be informative and funny at the same time. I wanted it to be perfect. Ang OA!!!  Until it just dawned on...