Let's get Blisstified

KIMILU coaches through Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy,
and Reiki Healing. She is passionate about Celebrating Life!



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Fill your heart with gratitude! 

Fill your heart with gratitude! 

Dearest #Protons,  I would like to introduce to you the artist of this piece, @claireganzonart. I met her back in 2008 when she was in college and I facilitated their multi-media org team building. I wasn't a certified life coach yet back then but it definitely...

I’m sexy and I know it! 

I’m sexy and I know it! 

Dearest Loving & Accepting #Protons,  There are a lot of plus sized women out there who need awareness and inspiration. As an @SMWoman brand ambassador and as a life coach, I feel I must do a good job representing them well.  Sometimes you just need...

It’s ok not to be ok. Really?!?

It’s ok not to be ok. Really?!?

Dearest #Protons, It's Wednesday today! I found this post online and thought it would be nice to share with all of you.  I totally resonate with this. It's very real. When coaching lives, the most comforting feeling for the client would be knowing that it is ok...